Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SOCIAL CAPITAL-A solution for Collaborative Partnership

SLA is currently planning to hold its first ever meeting to look at social capital in Natuseko community/compound. What is Social Capital ?

Social Capital is a connection among individuals and the relationships that can be economically valuable. Social networks that include people who trust and assist each other can be a powerful That is precicely what SLA wants to build on to help those who are not familiar with the facilities we have in our community.

-A number of children, marginalized, oppressed, vulnerable do not have a single clue that if they suffer from usurpation (property grabbing) they can receive free legal counsel on how to address these horrific moments seeing their property taken over by skleptocratic families (corrupt and greedy)
- A sexually abused woman/girl can easily receive free consultation legal advice by a number of groups dealing with human rights within Natuseko Community.
- Women/widows from resource poor families can apply for small innovating grants from SLA

The list goes on and on but only a few get access to such information.Savings Loans Association in collaboration with the local community is currently seeking for financial support ($5,000) to conduct a Participatory Community Awareness on the availability of Social Capital within the community and kindly ask you to support this innovative approach towards development in a sustainable manner. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!


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